It's been a busy time of year but after lots of preparation the holidays finally ended up being a very relaxing time. I went to my future in-laws' home a few days before everyone else to help get everything ready and to help with the holiday baking!
First off, we gathered supplies at about six different stores around the city. We managed to find some festive red chargers and I used them to set the dinner table.
Those hours of origami practice in third grade were finally good for something!
We stopped by an adorable local apple shop and picked up supplies for homemade apple cider. So quaint!
Back home finally, we started baking up a storm! I started with my fiance's favorite Christmas cookies, creme wafers:
They turned out deliciously with a very crumple-in-your-mouth delicate texture and a sweet hint of almond extract. I was pretty proud of them but found out later I have some more perfecting to do: the cookies are not supposed to be browned at all. Ahh well, something to aim for next year! I was able to make a few notes of my own on my future mother-in-law's recipe cards so I can get it just right for Ben in years to come...
Next were spritz cookies! Classic and pretty simple as it turns out! My portion-consistency needs some work, but not bad for my first time!
We also made spicy cheese coins...
Peanut butter blossoms...
Russian tea cookies...
And chocolate roll-ups, which I totally underestimated based on how simple they were, but they were definitely a crowd favorite!
For Christmas Eve dinner we had steak and some simple sides:
(yes that is the badass corn I made at Thanksgiving...with an addition of some jalepeno!)
And on Christmas morning, Ben and I made a delicious four-cheese bacon & biscuit egg bake!
After all of the preparation and hubbub was over, there was plenty of time to enjoy the scenery....
Get cozy...
And go for a romantic walk in the woods with my stellar guy...
Feeling very grateful and realizing how darn lucky I am to have him in my life. Happy holidays and happy new year!!