Sunday, February 12, 2017

Homemade Veggie Stock - Warm and Cozy

As promised wayyyyy back when I wrote my first meal prep post, here's my way of making a homemade veggie stock.

This is a great way to use old vegetable scraps: all of those carrot peels and ends of onions/shallots/leeks that end up getting thrown away. Dried or wilted herbs, mushrooms, and other aromatics are great for this as well. I've heard that you're supposed to avoid vegetables that are more bitter like broccoli, cabbage, and similar veggies, but I've used broccoli and kale stems in the past and haven't found anything wrong with it! Definitely wash all the produce you toss in there, and (obviously) make sure it's not rotten before you freeze it.

Store a gallon-sized ziploc bag in the freezer and fill it to the brim with scraps. When the bag is full, it's time to get brewing!

In a big stockpot, toss in the scraps and about 9 cups of water, plus salt and any dried herbs you may want to toss in from the cabinet (bay leaves work nicely). Bring this up to a simmer and let it sit, stirring occasionally, for about one hour. (Keep in mind it will take a good amount of time longer to bring the frozen scraps up to a simmer in the first place, just incase you have somewhere to be...)
After about an hour, take the pan off the stove and let it cool down for a bit. Scoop or pick out the large scraps with either a slotted spoon or tongs. Run through a fine mesh strainer to get the rest of the scraps separated out. From there, just portion out your cozy stock into tupperware containers and store in the fridge! If you don't plan to use it within a week, just toss it in the freezer.

Such an easy way to make use of ALL of your produce. Hope you enjoy!

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