Monday, November 14, 2016

Why the scribbles?

Hey y'all!

So I've wanted to start a blog for a while for several reasons.

First, I'd like to have some consistent form of journaling (nothing too-too personal I promise) and also a linear way of documenting the significance of day-to-day life. I have a feeling I that I might not be the only one who feels like this, but sometimes it just seems like the days blur together into one long strand of routine and, looking back on things, I want to be able to point to and differentiate between different periods of life, different seasons, different projects, different memories in a way that makes sense.

Second, I want to combat the day-to-day drudgery of routine by having something to keep myself motivated to keep seeking out fulfillment in life outside of my job. I'm a professional dancer based in Nashville and I am absolutely in love with what I do. I find incredible challenge and fulfillment and camaraderie in my job everyday. What tends to happen, however, when I get home after a long, exhausting, rigorous day is, well, routine. I make dinner and lounge and take care of my body and crash out for the evening. It's not that I feel like I need to do more; my schedule is pretty saturated with rehearsing and training and teaching on the side. I just want to come up with some form of appreciating what I do in my pedestrian life outside of the dance studio as much as I appreciate my life as a dancer.

Growing up I solely identified myself as a ballet dancer, and all other roles and relationships fell by the wayside to make way for that one identity. I have definitely become a more well-rounded person overall throughout the years, but I want to attempt to give equal value to all aspects of my life, professional, personal, domestic, etc.

SO as of now this is going to be a predominantly domestic blog. I sort of started trying to document things day-to-day through my Instagram for the last month, making it a goal for myself to do something to celebrate the Fall season everyday.  I have a feeling, however, that I may be driving people crazy as I pop up on their feed with my most recent baking project or Fall forest landscape. SO this blog is an attempt to have a separate place where (whether or not people are actually interested) I can go crazy with my projects and postings.

So that's the "Why" and a vague "What" of what this blog is going to we go!!

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